It’s the time again when the
There is a lot of myth out there about farm subsidies and how they affect the public and a lot of them that claim they benefit the public, so lets look at a couple of these myths. The first is that farm subsidies are needed to protect small family farmers, the first problem with this statement is that most farm subsides do not go to small family farms, around 70 percent of all subsides flow to the largest 10 percent of producer. So this means instead of helping the family farms like some proponents of subsides claim, they are really helping larger producers and actually hurt small farms because the value of future subsidies are capitalized into the values of land and other farm inputs, like machinery, raising there prices and making it more costly for small farmers to purchase more land and equipment and difficult for new farmers to enter the market because of the high cost, reducing competition in the long run. Since farm subsides are tied to production and size of the farm, increasing as the amount of output produced by farms increase, farm subsides actually encourage large farms to buy up small farms and land and price small farmers out of the market.
The next myth is that with out farm subsides the price of food in the
One other point about farm subsides are that are bad for the world economy and they are bad for the environment. They are bad for the world economy because farm subsides in developed countries, the United States far from the worse offender in this case, because they cause farmers in these countries to over produce, in some cases to the put that countries end up giving away some of these products because product is greater than world demand, this over production because of subsidization artificial lowers the prices of these crops in the world markets making it impossible for many farmers in underdeveloped countries to compete in one of the few industries that would have an advantage in and that could be produce an export good that would bring in hard currency, like dollar, euros, yens, ect, that could be used to help fund development in these countries. The over production of farm subsidies also hurts the environment because it leads to the over use of pollutants like fertilizers and pesticides and the over use of farm land with depletes it over time.
It would be better off for everyone in general, excluding of course subsidized farms, if farm subsidies were complete ended and the farm sector returned to a competitive free market. The free market would make farming a more competitive industry; it would create prices that reflect the true market cost and the values of the consumers and it would end the current practice were both the working and middle class are taxed to benefit large corporations.
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